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Will I get a monetary reward for referring someone to Chatsie?

Absolutely. Through our referral program, you can save yourself and others a significant amount of money. 

Once you have purchased a Chatsie device, you will receive a personal discount code. Any customer that uses your discount code will receive a 50% discount on their first two months of Chatsie.

Once this customer has completed their first 30 days with us you will receive 2 months off your contract

There is no limit to the number of referrals you can make, so refer as many people as you like and keep enjoying the perks as a thank you from us. 

At the end of 2024, we’ll launch our brand ambassador program, where super referrers can earn rather than simply enjoying a discount to your contract . Contact us on with “Brand Ambassador” in the subject line if you are interested to learn more.

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