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How do I access online banking?

For a video walkthrough of the steps below, follow this link!

Online banking is done via apps which you can download from the Google Play Store.

1. On the main Menu, tap “Add Apps”.

2. Then tap “Open Google Play”.

3. Sign in to your Google account. If you don’t have a Google account, you’ll need to create one to download apps.

4. Search for the name of your bank in the search bar at the top of the screen. If they have an app for Online Banking, it will appear here. Some banks which do are: Santander, Barclays, Natwest, Nationwide, Lloyds. \

5. Tap the “Install” button next to the app you want to install.

6. To open it from the main Menu, scroll down to the Shortcuts section and tap “Open <Name of Banking App>”.

7. Follow the setup process in the app to connect your bank account. For this, you will need some of your banking details, including your card details, and any passwords/account numbers you have set.

8. Once you have managed to log into your Online Banking, you will be able to make payments, view your account balance and some banks will let you manage your card via the app. This involves viewing the PIN if you have forgotten it, or re-ordering a new card if yours is lost.

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